Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Some Tweets from Howie Hawkins

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    "The essence of Capitalism is to turn nature into commodities, and commodities into Capital. The live green Earth is transformed into dead gold bricks, with luxury items for the few, and toxic slag heaps for the many." - Michael Parenti
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    The pictures say it all: an unknown right-wing politician declares herself president of in a parliament nearly empty of elected officials - then takes the seat of power surrounded by unelected military generals and police captains. If this isn’t a coup, what is?
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    Police in the video say Medea "assaulted a member of Congress", when SHE was the one assaulted by right-wing, pro-coup thugs. This is a crude jam-up against one of our most courageous living global peace activists even as yet ANOTHER nation in Latin America endures a coup.
  • There are almost 70,000 children in concentration camps and they are at imminent risk of disease and death. Many face the risk of sexual abuse. These children need to be released, and all those involved in detaining these children need to be arrested immediately.
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    In his press conference in , minutes ago, admitted a member of his security staff had told him he had been offered $50,000 to kill him.
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    Those who call themselves progressive must speak out NOW. The bloody history of US crushing democracy in Latin America has gone on far too long to feign ignorance! Stand up & condemn the coup in NOW - or be complicit.
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    . to "This letter is to give you 14 days notice of my intention to have New York State move to revoke National Grid's certificate to operate its downstate gas franchise." !
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    But I read in the NYT…
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    We Must Dismantle The War Machine To Avoid The Climate Catastrophe. A key part of the Green Party's Green New Deal since 2010. via
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    Supporters of Bolivia's democratically elected President Evo Morales have flooded the streets, demanding an overturning of the right-wing coup, which threatens to permanently destroy their democracy
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    In 2006 Evo Morales nationalised the second largest gas reserves in Latin America, recognized and protected indigenous rights & extended healthcare to all Bolivians. He won democratic elections.. paid off IMF loans, played by the global right's rules, but they want everything.
  • It isn't enough to denounce the coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia while validating the myth driving the coup.
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    Morales' resignation followed threats from the military and the opposition against not just him but his ministers and their family. There is an unconfirmed rumor that those leading the coup plan to kill Evo.
  • Morales has been undemocratically overthrown by violent forces of reaction. This is a coup d’état against the clear wishes of the Bolivian people.
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    75 years of anti-communism/socialism/leftism (by GOP & most Dems) has yielded Trump and the current GOP. Right-wing activities were more funded, cheered; left-wing were more demonized. So the unbalanced, “vital center” of US politics destroyed itself.
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    Today, 24 years ago, Ken Saro Wiwa was murdered alongside 8 compatriots of Ogoni extraction. Their crime was demanding environmental justice and a fairer deal from resource extraction. Their death sparked a global reawakening. Today we celebrate them. They live!
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    A travesty of justice that Lula was imprisoned in the 1st place. Kudos to & all who went to the mat for his release. Now let’s fight for political prisoners Julian Assange & Chelsea Manning, whose brutal imprisonment makes a mockery of our justice system!
  • Lula's release is a victory for democratic forces in Brazil and around the world, and long overdue.