Wednesday, November 13, 2019


a park painting 11

This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub, Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"Over 300 protesters killed in a month of protests," -- most requested highlight by readers of this site.

"Susan Trust-Me Rice" -- Isaiah digs into the archives. 

"Great sci-fi conspiracy films," "2 TV choices," "Batwoman episode five," "MODERN FAMILY's awful 11th season," "HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER," "Some HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER thoughts," "3 films I'd add to Rebecca's list," "DOCTOR SLEEP left me snoozing,"
"The streaming wars," "EMPIRE is a huge mess," "Weekend box office," "dynasty - liam remembers," "it's so hard not to hate debra messing," "favorite conspiracy films,"  "Crackdown on streamers," "Charmed episode five" and "Farrah Fawcett and Teddy Pendergrass" -- TV and movie coverage in the community.

"Science (Ebola and whales)" and "Curiosity on Mars" -- science coverage from Betty.

"Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Iraq snapshot," "Where is Saba Al Mahdawi?," "Iraq snapshot," "The protests continue," "Hillary never fails to remind us that we don't like her," "Does Joe Biden love pedophiles because he relates to them? Just asking."Real issues versus nonsense to drag someone through the mud," "Zuckerberg," "Amen to that,"  "Joe has to go," 
"Friends of Jeffrey Epstein's should not be involved in any presidential campaigns," "Iraq protests," 
"Loser Joe," 
"joe biden, larry summers and jeffrey epstein had s...," "the protests in iraq," "Bill Gates says he made a mistake," "Larry Summers loves Jeffrey Epstein and Joe Biden …," "A lot of people protected Epstein but no one prote…," "Neither Joe Biden nor Alyssa Milano give a damn ab...," "Eric Ciaramella leaks in his pants," "Eric Ciaramella," "Leaker Eric Ciaramella," "NPR's MORNING EDITION turns 40," "Who knows where she is at in her head?," "Medicare For All." 
"One eye has to be on the ones who are supposed to help," "The US press demonizes" and "THIS JUST IN! JOE'S DESPERATION KNOWS NO BOUNDS!" and "Appeals to pedophilia and sexism is all that Joe Biden has to offer" -- political coverage in the community.

"Garlicky Roasted Broccoli in the Kitchen" and "Saucy Chili-Garlic Cucumber Noodles in the Kitchen" -- Trina serves up two recipes.

"5 great tracks from Jody Watley," "Debbie Harry," "A lot of people killed Whitney Houston," "Can someone talk to Carly Simon or her publisher?" and "David Bowie"