Sunday, September 29, 2019

Some Tweets from Howie Hawkins

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    "The essence of Capitalism is to turn nature into commodities, and commodities into Capital. The live green Earth is transformed into dead gold bricks, with luxury items for the few, and toxic slag heaps for the many." - Michael Parenti
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    Drawing on 73 papers and studies, most published in the past 2 years, an international team of scientists warn in a new paper that climate change is already proving worse than had been expected, and will likely be at the higher end of the impact scenarios.
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    If Trump doesn’t get impeached for effectively trying to bribe Ukraine with military aid in exchange for prosecuting a political opponent, I guess I’m just wondering what Democrats in Congress would ACTUALLY consider impeachable.
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    There is also no room for climate evaders and incrementalists, who presently dominate the House of Representatives. They won;t even move on the modest proposals by AOC to develop a plan for so they have something to enact in 2020.

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    The 250k who marched in NYC were not supporting the city's present goal of 80 by 2050. It is time for NYC climate activists to put teeth into a climate emergency. Deal, 100% renewable by 2030, a Citizens Assembly for a strong climate plan.

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    The million plus people who rallied in Albany, NYC, and across the United States called for a , 100% renewable energy by 2030 and a halt to new fossil fossil fuel projects. These are positions that has repeatedly opposed.

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    NYCers, please join us & in urging the to pass bill 936 to reduce by making available by request only. We hear it may be up for a vote SOON.
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    If you hear us, then act like it is climate emergency. Halt all new fossil fuel infrastructure. Stop allowing utilities to expand natural gas and require renewable heat. Provide $10 billion in funding now for a . Heat the state plaza with geothermal.

  • Yes, both major political parties have sided with the fossil fuel companies and their campaign contributions. Solving climate change means we have to break free of the two party system - and capitalism. I began calling for a as a Green Party candidate in 2010.

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    Audio interview about the student climate march in Albany at the State Capitol by Susan Arbetter with Benitha Muyizere of SUNY and Mark Dunlea of GELF and PAUSE.
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    800 marched and rallied at the Albany strike. 100% renewable energy by 2030 Now
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    Good news that the new gas turbines not going in and will use renewables for electricity. But need more details re continuing use of gas boilers to heat and cool buildings rather than geothermal. Need more info on chillers.

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    One of the big disappointments of deBlasio was the lack of work on food policy. We had more than 700 at 2013 Mayoral primary food policy forum and detailed platforms. No effort to create a NYC Food Policy Council.

  • Greens have reasons to be optimistic about their future ‘For decades, our candidates have been talking about single-payer healthcare,,Green New Deal, ending war on drugs, and now these are mainstream,’ said Gloria Mattera, Green party’s co-chairs