Monday, July 15, 2019

Truest statement of the week

But when Russiagate is the issue it is the Democrats who are the worst liars. They are the ones who have damaged their electorate, the media and international relationships in their effort to excuse the debacle of their own making. Russiagate is a scheme meant to give them popular support without doing anything the public want them to do.
The deification of Mueller should come to an end after he testifies under oath. He has waffled between saying that Russia interfered but not with the help of Americans, but perhaps there is proof of obstruction, but he can’t indict a sitting president, but maybe Congress can impeach him anyway. That nonsense is an indication that as the saying goes, he’s got nothing. 
All the drama is needless because Trump has left a vast trail of impeachable offenses in the wake of his career. He was a corrupt businessman and has personally profited from his presidency. There are many roads that can lead to the same result but that is not what Democrats want to do.

-- Margaret Kimberley, "Freedom Rider: Time For Russiagate To End" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).