Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Pathetic Patricia Arquette

Is there an uglier person than Patty Rotten Teeth Arquette?

Probably not.

Here is Julian Assange feeding and alluding to the Russian made propaganda that Seth Rich was his source.

Patricia Arquette was never a movie star.  Largely because of the work of her family -- in this generation, the work of her sister Rosanna -- Patty got a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award.  Patty being Patty, she had to make it all about White women and then play dumb when there was a backlash to her acceptance speech.

In the time since, she's done nothing of value but recycle the same performance she's given in every film and TV show she's ever done.

Julian Assange knows more about where the DNC leak came from than does Patty Arquette.  Listening to a few centrist-Democrat programs on KPFA over the last years has convinced Patty that she's brave and radical.

She's nothing but a bad actress.

If you wonder why she's turned into such a nut case, show her a little bit of sympathy.

Imagine winning an Oscar when you know you really didn't deserve it and you know that nothing you've ever done has matched -- let alone topped -- your sister Rosanna's performances in THE EXECUTIONER'S SONG, BABY IT'S YOU, AFTER HOURS, NEW YORK STORIES, 8 MILLION WAYS TO DIE, THE BIG BLUE, PULP FICTION, CRASH . . .

It has to haunt her, fueling her madness.

Oh, well, she's always got HOLY MATRIMONY to be proud of, you know, where the adult Patricia marries a 13-year-old boy?  Other than that, she's also got her bizarre romantic life which includes faking five years of marriage to Nicholas Cage.  Why do they leave, Patti, why do they all leave!!!!