Sunday, June 30, 2019

Two great losses

Last week saw the passing of two important voices in the public debate: Bruce A. Dixon and Justin Raimondo.

Dixon was someone we frequently noted for our "Truest statement of the week" feature.  He was part of BLACK AGENDA REPORT and he was a member of the Green Party.  He was a voice calling out corruption, war and prejudice.  He made a huge difference.

Justin Raimondo was a Libertarian and a consistent anti-war voice.  He co-founded ANTIWAR.COM.  He also made a huge difference.

Some people liked one of the two, some liked both, some hated both.  Centrists especially hated Bruce and Justin.

But we loved them and we appreciate the space they carved out in the public square and the costs they so often paid for demanding the discourse be expanded.

The two will be greatly missed. They will not be replaced.  And, truth be told, so few are rushing to do the work they did.  The brave and courageous internet of the '00s has been stifled and co-opted.

 We are left with people who don't want to make waves, who want to fit in and are desperate to be on MSNBC -- this decade's version of AIR AMERICA RADIO.

We live in a world that grows worse with each passing year.

The so-called left has become especially intolerant.  They use their perches at MSNBC and elsewhere to preach hatred of others while working overtime to defend and advance the monetary desires of corporations.  The world needs trail blazers, not timid conformists eager for more corporate welfare.