Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Some Tweets from Howie Hawkins

Howie Hawkins is seeking the Green Party's presidential nomination.

  • Posts from Howie Hawkins for President for 06/17/2019 -

    Did you see this? -

    Campaign Report: Major Progress In Texas -

    Campaign Report: Major Progress In Texas -

    We celebrate ballot status with the !

    We're excited to see finally achieve ballot status with the siging of HB-2504 by the governor today, and our campaign is proud to have played a small part in getting the job done. Congratulations, Texas Greens!

    Yes once again the Democrats are the wrong side of history when it comes to climate - as they were on universal health care, corporate power, same-sex marriage. Maybe look at the Green Party and our issues. After all, we are the initial authors of the in the US

    Outrageous! Please consider making a contribution to while we wait for more concrete steps on how to stand by . Thank you for your service, Cheri!

    Posts from Howie Hawkins for President for 06/10/2019 -

    Demilitarization is the key to the , by . The Green Party's GND is more than just solar panels - its about creating democratic control of our economy and ending wars and imperialism.

    I got to discuss the in a forum with the Gateway Green Alliance in St. Louis last night, organized by my friend Don Fitz. He has an opposing view which cautions about growth. Good to have principled debate with longtime friends.

    75 years ago, this nation rose to socialize 1/4 of industry to turn it on a dime and build an "arsenal of democracy" to defeat the Nazis. We can make the same effort to defeat the threat of climate change.

    News coverage from New York.

    Posts from Howie Hawkins for President for 06/03/2019 -

    We're here at the state party meeting at the Green Party of Florida.