Monday, April 29, 2019

Truest statement of the week

It is rare for an enemy to give a gift the way Secretary of State Mike Pompeo did in a recent public speech . Pompeo said what anyone who has ever paid attention already knew. The intelligence agencies of the United States government are masters of deception and one should always assume that they are lying, cheating, and or stealing. 
When they say that a foreign leader is a “brutal dictator” the charge proves just one thing. The person in question is being targeted by the United States. The individual labeled a dictator is said to rule over people who want the U.S. to drop bombs on them or destroy their economy with sanctions.  But as Pompeo pointed out, the spooks and other deep state functionaries are always lying.

It is all to the good that Pompeo is too stupid to keep his mouth shut. In spilling the beans he made the definitive case for opposing U.S. foreign policy dictates. It is especially fortuitous that Pompeo contracted foot in mouth disease at this moment in history.  For those foolish enough to believe that this country has the right to decide who runs Venezuela or Cuba or Iran or Syria or Haiti, Pompeo’s words ought to ring in their ears.

-- Margaret Kimberley, "Freedom Rider: Pompeo’s Truth About Lies" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).