Monday, April 01, 2019

The slow death of out of shape America (Dona)

Back in 2011, I wrote "The killing of a video industry (Dona)" and I wish I'd been following up on the topic.  I especially wish that as Denise Powell (CNN) reports:

Losing the ability to move and perform the activities of daily life can lead to a loss of independence and even be deadly, so researchers are focusing on preventing conditions that can lead to disability.
Being physically active can help prevent disability in those who have or who are at risk of joint conditions. According to a new study, adults with lower-extremity joint symptoms like aching, pain or stiffness who get at least one hour v of moderate to vigorous exercise every week are more likely to be free of disability after four years than those who do not meet this exercise goal.

Being physically active?  We all want to be.  We all have obstacles.  Some of us are able to overcome these obstacles, some are not.  As I noted in the earlier piece, workouts should be fun and they should not make you feel stupid.  I still applaud THE JANE FONDA WALKOUT -- the first section.  The advanced section?  I still boo it.  This need to do dance steps?  No.  That's just nonsense and it's creating an obstacle where one shouldn't be. 

If you're not grasping how important that is, Dr. Melina Jampolis (CNN) notes that "nearly 80% of Americans don't meet the agency's weekly recommendations: 150 to 300 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous exercise. In addition to either of those, it is recommended that you do two or more days of muscle-strengthening exercises involving all of the major muscle groups: legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms."

Nearly 80%.  That's the reason to make exercising even more simple, not add dance steps that will leave most people saying, "Forget it already." Exercise is already hard enough.  Doubt it?  Look at the former Senator Harry Reid:

Former U.S. Sen. Harry Reid destroyed the medical-grade resistance band that he blamed for blinding him in one eye, an attorney for the band company told jurors Tuesday.
Attorney Laurin Quiat said during his opening statement that the injuries Reid suffered in January 2015, when he was blinded in his right eye, were his own fault.
“Rather than taking responsibility, he has decided to sue,” Quiat said. “No one needs to tell anyone of such a consequence of their own actions. It’s called gravity.”
Reid and his wife, Landra Gould, lodged a product liability lawsuit against three defendants: Hygenic Intangible Property Holding Co., The Hygenic Corp. and Performance Health LLC. The lawsuit accused the makers of TheraBand of negligence and failure to warn.

Simplify.  As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, "There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth." The 25-Minute Rumble Workout that POP SUGAR noted recently reviewed is simplicity at its finest.

If you are willing, this is a workout you can easily handle.  You're not going to be tripping over your feet because someone decided that they wanted to teach dance.  You're not going to be possibly harming your eye because you're using equipment you don't know how to use.  It's simple and that's what we need.

I really do find it disappointing that Jane Fonda is not pushing simplicity.  She's the one who revolutionized home fitness.  You'd think she'd be leading the way on this.  Simple movements that people can do easily would greatly help people to work out and to work out more often.  Maybe she's more focused -- which is fine -- with her existing audience and giving them programs that will be fresh and loved by them?  That could be and would explain the dance steps I find to be nonsense.  But if she really wanted to preserve her fitness legacy, she might want to try focusing on workouts that are simple.