Monday, February 18, 2019

Truest statement of the week II

Over the past three years, progressives have engaged in various efforts to gain influence in the Democratic Party, democratize the Party, and elect progressives to office — and the Party has thwarted them and consolidated its power at every step of the way.
In the midterms, the Party that came back to Washington looks virtually indistinguishable from the one that existed before the midterms. In fact, there the Democrats are more corporate than ever, as they were the ones that the DCCC picked to run. The DCCC in turn worked with the finance-friendly Blue Dog Democrats on candidate recruitment.
The "Blue Wave" was another corporate wave.
So here we are three years after progressives embarked on this venture to try to reform the Democratic Party, and we're back to square one essentially, with many saying, “Well, let's try and run a presidential candidate again and hope for the best.”

That's why the work we are doing as the Labor-Community Campaign for an Independent Party (LCCIP) is so important. We and working people are saying, enough is enough, we’ve learned our lesson: What we need in this country is a major new party, a mass-based party of working people, in order to make change.

-- "The Left Must Finally Break With the Democrats: A Discussion with Nick Brana" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).