Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Burn Pits 360 to brief Congress


Dear friend,

As we mentioned previously, 2019 is the year that we are going to fight hard for our veterans and pass meaningful legislation that improves the lives for them and their families. Doing that begins with properly informing those making the decisions on proposed legislation being passed. We are excited to announce our 2019 Congressional Briefing being held in Washington D.C. where various Members of Congress will be attending to learn more about burn pits, hear testimony from healthcare experts and veterans, and understand how they can play a role in ensuring that those that are suffering from the toxic wounds of war are taken care of. 
We are sending you this SAVE THE DATE, because we want to let you know that this is open to the public and hope that you are able to attend. The following day, we will be having our Burn Pits Lobby Day where we will be sitting down with various Members of Congress and having one-on-one conversations and ensuring their support on this pressing issue.

If you are interested in attending, send us an email to EVENTS@BURNPITS360.ORG. We hope to see you in DC in April!

Eric Holguin
Government & Public Affairs
Our mailing address is:
Burn Pits 360 Veterans Organization
 201 N. 4th Street
 Robstown, Texas 78380