Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Editorial: Where's the press?

Not covering Iraq.

Where are they?  The US taxpayer has poured billions into Iraq over the last 16 years so you'd think the press would check in at least once a month.  That's apparently too much for their lazy brains and fat asses.

As noted in Tuesday's Iraq snapshot, Basra Operations Command continues to shoot at peaceful protesters and, in fact, shot one in the back on Sunday.  They're also arresting them.  In addition, they're arresting reporters covering the protests.

These aren't western reporters.  They certainly aren't US reporters.  US reporters keep 'reporting' on nonsense, not things that actually matter.

Also in Tuesday's Iraq snapshot?  The number of US troops in Iraq is increasing signficantly.

All this desire to report/proclaim "Donald Trump is a liar!"?  It apparently doesn't apply to war.  Because the US officially has a little over 5,200 troops in Iraq but in the last days that number has risen and, in northern Iraq alone, non-western outlets have reported an increase of 20,000.  We were discussing that in yesterday's snapshot -- a discussion corporate America media still can't have.

Informed sources reveal night movements by the US forces # towards some districts and areas of the province of Nineveh north of Iraq.

Informed sources reveal the presence of more than "9000" US troops in "4" military bases deployed in the province of Anbar # - west of Iraq #, after withdrawing from # Syria.

What if, in the US, we had a real media with reporters who actually reported on something other than the president's Twitter feed?