Monday, November 12, 2018

C.I. explains Fake Ass Barbara Lee

Repost from THE COMMON ILLS.

Barbara Lee -- The Forever Fake Ass

I don't worship Barbara Lee.  I don't even take the US House Rep seriously because she's spent so much time making herself a joke.  But people can change so a NEW YORK MAGAZINE profile gets read.  It helps that the writer is Rebecca Traister who is probably one of the ten best profile writers in the country today.  (Traister can write more than profiles -- and has -- but she really has made a mark as a profile writer.)  The title is "46 Minutes With Barbara Lee: Talking Iraq, poverty, and getting a seat at the table with the House's lefty conscience."

Read it.

It's well written.  It's lively.

It's just a pack of garbage but that has more to do with Barbara Lee who is nothing but garbage.  She chatters on endlessly about how she's going to overturn Hyde and she's worked so very hard on it and gone so very far.  She hasn't gotten a floor vote.

Oh, but she's gotten into the party's platform in 2016.


Like that means s**t.  Everyone knows it doesn't.  We're told over and over that it's an accomplishment and, maybe if 2016 was the first election you ever voted in, you're stupid enough to believe that lie.  But if you've been around even for just two minutes longer than a first-time voter, you know it's meaningless and you know that it always has been.

Time and again, energy and focus is wasted on that stupid platform that has never resulted in change.

Leave it to a fake ass like Barbara Lee to pretend otherwise.

Barbra's a fake ass but maybe she's also an idiot?

That would explain her claim that she had the support of the Clinton members on the drafting board.  If she truly believes that, she is one of the biggest idiots ever.  More likely though, she's just lying to Rebecca to try to make herself seem wise and important.

The Clintons -- Bill and Hillary -- reward loyalty and purge anyone they think is disloyal.

Barbara Lee is seen as disloyal.  She will never overcome 2008.  She made her choice back then and it wasn't Hillary.  She will never have the Clintons' ears or approval and no one close to them will ever listen to her.

That's reality.

Here's another reality: She's not talking Iraq.

Despite the claim in the headline, she's not talking Iraq.

Iraq was the only reason I read the article.  Iraq became the reason I then re-read the article in full.  I was convinced I must have missed the part about Iraq.

After all, Iraq is in the title: "46 Minutes With Barbara Lee: Talking Iraq, poverty, and getting a seat at the table with the House's lefty conscience."  In fact, it's the first topic listed.

But I read the article and then read it again and then even read it a third time.

She never mentions Iraq.  And her vote in 2001 had nothing to do with Iraq.  The authorization that was voted on then was used by Bully Boy Bush to start the Afghanistan War.

Let's go to the first two paragraphs of the article:

Representative Barbara Lee of California had spent the morning on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives, giving a speech — word for word — that she’d given 17 years ago. “Let’s just pause … and think through the implications of our actions today, so that this does not spiral out of control.”
She’d first uttered those words on the House floor back in September 2001, when she opposed the Authorization for Use of Military Force, which granted President George W. Bush — and every president who’s come after him — the authority to go to war without congressional approval. Lee was just three years into her role representing her Oakland district when she became the only member of Congress to oppose its passage.

Barbie does love to stroke her own ego, doesn't she?  What most would see as proof of how useless she is, Barbie Lee thinks makes her brave.

It doesn't.

But regardless, 2001?  That's the Afghanistan War starting.  Seventeen years ago?  That's Afghanistan.

Iraq?  That's 15 years ago.  That's March of 2003.  Do the math: Iraq starts in 2003, 2003 plus 15 years is 2018.  Get it?

Barbara has accomplished nothing with regards to Iraq.  Remember her public 'threats' that if Barack hadn't ended the Afghanistan War by next year, she'd be calling him out on the House floor and in interviews and leading protests and . . .

She made those promises every year starting with 2009 when he was sworn in.

But every year Barack was president, the Afghanistan War continued.  And he left office without ever ending that war.

He also left office without Barbara Lee ever holding his feet to the fire.

Maybe she felt that he being at the table, as a face of color, was all that really mattered?

Because that's the message fake ass embraces in her own profile.  It matters that she has a seat at the table because no one else looks like her.

Now there are uglier members of Congress so she shouldn't be so hard on herself.  They say, after forty, you get the face you deserve.  And she certainly has.  It's caved in all over.

A caved in face for her caved in beliefs.

Barbara Lee is a fake ass and, no, in 2018, we don't need to pretend that a fake ass who's gone along with a war (Afghanistan) for 17 years or another war (Iraq) for 15 years is helping us by having a seat at the table.

Nor do we need to pretend that an empty sentence or two tacked onto a platform has any meaning in the real world.

We especially don't need to pretend she's talking about Iraq when she is yet again -- as has so often been the case -- silent on the topic.

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