Monday, October 01, 2018

But can she spell d-u-m-b

Poor Patricia Arquette -- snaggle toothed and stupid.

The only think Kavanaugh should Judge are the beers at Octoberfest.

Why would you put a big "J" in "judge" when it's a verb?  And why would you type "think" when you mean "thing."  Had she written a long essay, okay.  But it's one sentence -- one short sentence.  And she can't even spell right.

Several years ago, she won an Academy Award -- and ticked off women of color with her acceptance speech -- but she still uses that photo for her Twitter account.  You would too, if you were aging as bad as she is.

Oh, well, at least she parlayed that supporting actress win -- supporting, not lead -- into a successful TV show, right?  CSI: CYBER.  She has that, right?  Nothing else but that.

Oh, wait.  CBS cancelled that crap.  Not even the CSI crowd could stomach Patti Arquette.