Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Truest statement of the week II

The attacks from elite media and foreign governments will not stop because the charges of collusion with the Russian government have so far come up empty. Robert Mueller has identified Russians who will never face charges in an American court as the colluders but hasn’t connected them with any Trump campaign or administration officials. Associates like Paul Manafort are guilty of being common criminals and former lawyer Michael Cohen paid off women who had relationships with Trump. George Papadopoulos, said to be a lynchpin in the Russiagate investigation, was sentenced to just 14 days in jail for lying to federal agents about having met non-Russians. A Russian woman is charged with the minor offense of failing to register as a foreign agent and yet is being held without bail. The lack of smoking gun verdicts means that Mueller must always muddy the water with phony revelations. If not, independent assessments may emerge and ruin the trope that evil Trump and evil Putin are in league together.

-- Margaret Kimberley, "Freedom Rider: The Plot Against Trump" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).