Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Let the people see

This edition, Ava and C.I. note efforts to censor.  We apparently are too stupid to grasp reality and must be sheltered.  That is insulting yet that is the approach our government and social media is taking.

“What will be disclosed is that there was no basis for these FISA Warrants, that the important information was kept from the court, there’s going to be a disproportionate influence of the (Fake) Dossier. Basically you have a counter terrorism tool used to spy on a presidential...

It's also the response from idiots like Andrea Mitchell and others in the media to Donald Trump's announcement that he would declassify various documents -- including FISA applications -- and release them all to the public.

This, supposedly, is a hideous thing to do.

Grasp that.  Transparency is a hideous thing to do.

We used to call for sunlight and openess in our government.  Now the Andrea Mitchells make clear that censorship is the way to go.  Isn't it time that old presstitute was put out to pasture for age alone?  She does turn 72 this year, after all, and insists upon wearing sleeveless shirts on her talk show.

Media that had zero problem uncritically receiving and pushing selective leaks in support of a false narrative are upset with transparency and accountability. A sight to behold.

  1. Us peons have no right to know! That’s the position of this “journalist.”

Yes, Andrea Mitchell is a presstitute.  She lied about Iraq and now she's trying to keep the American people from further truths.

Democratic Congressional & Intel leaders tell DNI & DOJ heads declassification order is a "brazen abuse of power" and sharing material with Trump or his lawyers violates DOJ policies and assurances to them

  1. Replying to 
    Unbelievable isn’t it.... the press upset over the release of information. If the Russians called you instead of Trump and the tip was about him instead, you and your network would have published it without a 2nd thought. NOW you’re upset over the release of more info. SMH

  1. Replying to 
    Purely from a journalistic perspective, how could you possibly be upset by this?
  2. Replying to 
    So, now you dont like transparency?

  1. If you enjoy demanding that documents and other information be kept concealed from the public due to vague "national security" mantras, there are a lot of jobs for which you're suited: CIA, DOD, NSA spokesperson, etc. So weird to have that attribute, then become a *journalist*.
  2. CIA's spokesman at NBC, , expressed the same indignation. Amazing how often journalists concoct excuses to be angry the public will see & learn things. It's valid to object to Trump's motives & selectivity, but many US journalists hate transparency more than NSA

Idea that public disclosure of government records “sacrifices national security” is the same old anti-transparency canard that always gets trotted out. Trump’s motives may be purely cynical but that’s not an argument for why this info should be concealed

There is no scandal bigger, not in most of our lifetimes and even before that, than a political party paying for foreign spies to interfere in our elections. And the fact that any self proclaimed 'progressive' out of cult-like party loyalty would look the other way is shameful.

Censorship isn't the answer.

expands censorship to photos and videos - World Socialist Web Site

Let's end by quoting Thomas Jefferson, "I know no safe depositary of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education.  This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power."