Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Truest statement of the week II

The Russiagate investigation is proof that this country is run by liars, race baiters, warmongers, torturers and their enablers. The Brennans of the world work for both Republican and Democratic administrations. The Guilianis and Trumps thrive politically by publicly declaring and then acting upon racist intent. All of these evil doers are upheld by the corporate media if they curry favor well enough.
They shouldn’t be able to influence those who purport to be on the left. Anyone who is really paying attention can see that the criminal gangs at the top are exposing themselves. They are all enemies of the people and the people should loudly say that none of these emperors are wearing any clothes.

-- Margaret Kimberley, "Freedom Rider: Giuliani and Brennan: Truth or Dare" (BLACK AGENDA REPORT).