Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Remember reality

As Carly Simon sings, "These are the good old days."  Some people write e-mails about how good the internet once was.  We understand, we get nostaligic sometimes as well.  However, don't kid yourself, those days were far from perfect.

If you ever need to prove that to yourself, Google "the Koufax awards."  Note what was judged as 'great' back then.  Such as a 2002 post by a man that builds its entire premise on how the worst thing in the world is to be compared to a girl and how dumb 17-year-old girls are (in his mind).  It's sexist crap that wouldn't get posted today without a huge push-back resulting.

But in those early days, not only could you get away with sexism, you were applauded for utilizing it.  The man we're referring to has passed away.  If you check his blog, his 'political' blog, you'll see he carried the sexism on through to his dying days of his final blog posts.

What a proud moment for the internet and the circle-jerk that came up with the Koufax awards to begin with.