Monday, August 27, 2018

Fake Ass Goodman gets taken down on Twitter

Amy Goodman is a rare thing, a whore who got rich off public radio.

It's amazing that PACIFICA teeters on bancruptcy and yet they pay millions to Amy for her overrated DEMOCRACY NOW! -- a show that she gives away for free to other radio and TV outlets.

Some of the foolish have still not woken up to reality and pretend that Amy is a poor, working journalists.  She's bilked PACIFICA RADIO for million each year over the last two decades.

Most people are beginning to grasp that she's a fake ass who used the Iraq War to get famous and then walked away from opposing war.

Certainly, Twitter rushes to tell the truth about Goody Whore.

Disgraceful that neither James Risen nor Amy Goodman discussed how the Intercept burned their source Reality Winner. Also don't mention that the leaked story was bogus. But Risen and Goodman are both anti-Russia maniacs so...

AMY Goodman preserves racism by lying about the RFK Assassination.

Replying to 
Amy Goodman was a HRC wannabe when she supported Kaddhafy's removal & Libyan chaos....

  1. Replying to 
    What happened to Amy Goodman? I guess she sold out like the rest.

the prisoners striking are rightfully referencing the 13th amendment in regards to their pronouncements of being enslaved. You soiled a great chance to remind Americans that slavery continues and crimes are being manufactured without victims.

  1. I love 's #1 issue when she gets to congress is a "Justice for All Civil Rights Act" that focuses on discrimination in voting. HELL YES. Actually I'm kind of annoyed that Amy Goodman doesn't care about this, just wants to hear about Israel.

  1. Amy Goodman and her Russiagate go-to "expert" Marcy Wheeler take cue from NYT, MSNBC, WashPost, and Lanny Davis on “stunning” Manafort and Cohen convictions, which throw NO light on “Trump-Russia collusion.” But NYT editors call you a "complete fantasist," if you can't see it.
  2. Amy Goodman is good on ICE fascists, but naive on CIA's John Brennan. Why dose her headline today parrot the frivolous lede in Washington Post? Fact that Brennan did all he could, legally & illegally to elect Mrs. Clinton should subject him to close scrutiny, not give him a pass.

  1. Disgraceful that neither James Risen nor Amy Goodman discussed how the Intercept burned their source Reality Winner. Also don't mention that the leaked story was bogus. But Risen and Goodman are both anti-Russia maniacs so...