Monday, March 26, 2018

Those who got and get it right

From C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

Many got it wrong.  Many walked away.  At THIRD, Betty, Elaine, Trina, Ava and I had discussed a piece that time ran out for.  But here are ten that deserve mention for not just making the hard calls when everyone talked about the Iraq War but who have continued to make those hard calls and refused to provide cover for political favorites.

1) Glen FordMargaret Kimberley and Bruce A. Dixon (BLACK AGENDA REPORT)
2) Arundhati Roy (novelist and activist)
3) Sarah Abdallah (activist)
4) Harry Belafonte (singer, activist, author, leader)
5) Justin Raimondo, Jason Ditz, Margaret Griffis, Scott Horton (ANTIWAR.COM)
6) Cindy Sheehan (activist, author)
7) Patrick Martin and Bill van Auken (WSWS)
8)William Rivers Pitt (TRUTHOUT)
10) John Stauber (critic, author)

These are the ones we had agreed on -- Betty, Elaine, Trina, Ava and I -- and the plan was to include them on a list -- a much larger list -- with other choices for people who had not walked away from the topic.  A lot of people would not make the list because, for example, like United For Peace and Justice, they closed shop after Barack was elected in November of 2008.  Fakers.  But it's important to note the people who did make a difference.