Sunday, August 13, 2017

Mattis visits Google


US Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement Wednesday that North Korea would face the “destruction of its people” if it did not comply with the demands of the United States.
The retired Marine Corps general, given the name “Mad Dog” for his bloody conquest of the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004, issued this genocidal proclamation as he was departing for a trip not to a forward operating base, but to the headquarters of Amazon in Seattle and a Defense Department agency in Silicon Valley that works closely with tech firms such as Google.
The censorship algorithms rolled out by Google no doubt figured prominently in Mattis’ discussions with tech executives. The nominal purpose of his visit, however, was to integrate Silicon Valley firms even more closely into the booming and lucrative business of waging war.

Read the full report by Andre Damon on the WSWS ("Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis visits Google and Amazon").

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos meets with Mattis Thursday [Photo Credit: @JeffBezos]
Help expose Google and Amazon's cooperation with the state by sharing this article widely on social media!

The World Socialist Web Site

And from earlier last week:

Today the WSWS published further details and statements documenting the impact of Google's censorship algorithms on left-wing websites. “Something has happened with Google across the board that affects left-wing media in a big way,” said Scott LaMorte, a web developer for both Truthout and The Real News, both of which have seen a significant drop in traffic from Google.

Read the full report by Andre Damon on the WSWS ("Evidence of Google blacklisting of left and progressive sites continues to mount"). 

What you can do to oppose censorship:
  • Share the above article and all of our articles exposing Google's actions with your friends and on social media. (All articles are here)
  • Sign up for the WSWS Daily Newsletter to make sure you get the site in your email every morning.
  • Make a donation today to the WSWS. Google is a massive corporation. The WSWS depends entirely on the support of its readers.
Finally, make the decision to join the Socialist Equality Party or contact the ICFI if there is not a section in your country. The fight to defend democratic rights and a free Internet must be connected to the development of a movement in the working class against a society in which everything is subordinated to corporate profit. Contact us by email or submit this form for more information.

The World Socialist Web Site