Monday, February 27, 2017

The press lying never ends

The big moment at the Academy Awards?  Best picture.  We're reposting this by C.I.

The press lying never ends

THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER's "Oscars Shocker: Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway Read Wrong Best Picture Winner" insists:

Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway, stars of 1967's classic Bonnie and Clyde, announced the wrong best picture winner at the Oscars on Sunday to the shock of the crowd. 
But Beatty and Dunaway announced the wrong best picture winner, announcing La La Land instead of Moonlight the correct winner. 

Warren knew there was a problem when they opened the envelope.

Faye took the envelope he was showing her and announced LA LA LAND.

That's because, as Warren explained a few minutes later, the envelope said Emma Stone for LA LA LAND.

They were given the wrong envelope.

I don't know what the cameras showed but inside we could see Warren desperately walking from person to person explaining there was a mistake.  He was obviously in a panic.

This was not Warren's fault in any way.

I don't think you can even call it Faye's fault.

They were given a sealed envelope and it was wrong.

The blame does not belong to them.

For the industry bible, HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, to refuse to hold the Academy responsible goes to the press lying.

They're more comfortable holding Warren and Faye responsible.

It was not their fault.

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Again, this wasn't Warren and Faye's fault.

But a cowardly press always refuses to hold those in power accountable.