Sunday, August 14, 2016

SEP Tweets

The Socialist Equality Party's presidential candidate is Jerry White.

  1. Illinois community college drops racially segregated courses after public criticism -

Stop the police killings! Unite workers and youth of every race and nationality! -

Wall Street celebrates mass layoffs by ’s

Warnings from Australian political establishment about -

speech in : Tax cuts for the wealthy combined with nationalist demagogy

The provocation in and the threat of world

Tax return places in the top 0.02 percent of Americans

Tax return places Clintons in the top 0.02 percent of Americans - #HilNo#SEP2016

Niles Niemuth VP candidate: The 's whitewash of violence in -

? Looking for a candidate? White and Niemuth are on the Socialist Equality Party ticket

WikiLeaks offers $20,000 reward over murder of staffer linked to email leak -

“Socialist Convergence” meets to prepare a new trap for the working class -

The slump in US : Another symptom of capitalist crisis - World Socialist Web Site

Emails shed further light on ’s corruption as secretary of state