Sunday, August 14, 2016

Jill Stein Tweets

Jill Stein is the Green Party's presidential candidate.

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    RSVP: Watch Jill + Ajamu on at 9pm ET, 8/17! Attend a viewing party: 📺

Most popular story this week: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange: Attacks Against Jill Stein Will Go "Through the Roof"

It's unacceptable that we have spent $700B on the endless war in Afghanistan, but are told $15/hr is too high for minimum wage.

According to the , the failure rate for nuclear power projects is well above 50%. We need more wind and solar.

. actually Trump said he loves the "Uneducated". Vote and get educated sir

Green Party candidate : "We are the ones we’ve been waiting for"

It is astounding that in 2016 a police department would instruct its officers to "lock up all the black hoodies." This must end now.

Why does the U.S. pay at least 2x what every other industrialized country pays for prescription drugs? We don’t have universal health care.

Riots over black deaths will not end until we transform police depts.

This pretty much sums it up.

Luckily, we have another choice! For millennial voters, Clinton vs. Trump ‘feels like a joke’

More than 58K metric tons of highly radioactive spent fuel already has accumulated at reactor sites in the U.S. This is not clean energy.

"The U.S. spends about $70B on corrections yearly -- a system that creates second-class citizenship for thousands of people of color."

We need real energy independence and security -- more than 90% of the uranium used in U.S. nuclear power reactors in 2007 was imported.

The prime purpose of has been to increase pesticide use and corporate control of our food system.

"By forgiving student loan debt a tremendous economic stimulus would be generated, whose beneficiaries are people, not banks." Leon Botstein

Don't think that nuclear power plants are WMDs waiting to be detonated? Anti-terrorism authorities disagree.

If we want to avoid escalations like , we need to ensure black voices are heard. "A riot is the language of the unheard" -- MLK

From 1980 to 2008, the number of people incarcerated in the U.S. went from 500K to 2.3M under Republican and Democratic "leadership."

Climate change will cause more flooding and heat waves. We need to make it a priority while we have time to mitigate it.

Debunking the media’s smear campaign against presidential candidate

More than three-quarters of the country's commercial nuclear power sites have reported some kind of radioactive leak. This isn't a solution.