Tuesday, June 21, 2016

WORKING HANDS An interview with photographers David Bacon and Frank Silva By Jackson Nichols

David Bacon's latest book is The Right to Stay Home: How US Policy Drives Mexican Migration. Bacon is a journalist who actually covers labor as well as issues to do with poverty and the working class.  

Working Hands - An interview with photographers David Bacon and Frank Silva from Jackson Nichols on Vimeo.


Interview with workplace photographers Frank Silva and David Bacon, along with ILWU Educator and poet Gene Dennis, at the ILWU main office in San Francisco on May 18, 2016.

"What we are doing here, all three of us, is producing socially conscious art, art that is very consciously part of a social movement for change.  I don't think that is very well respected in our world, in our art world especially.  I don't think you're going to see it at the de Young.  I don't think you're going to see it at the Berkeley Art Museum.  And I think that is wrong.

"There have been periods of time in the history of this country when the art of working people was part of the mainstream, a very well respected part of our culture.  So I think that our show is fighting for something in the art world as well.  For the legitimacy, and not just for the legitimacy, but for the importance of having art that reflects the reality that people are dealing with day to day, and that is part of the movement for social change.

"That's someplace where our art world needs to go.  So I hope we get some curators from some institutions to come and see this show and think about what they're putting on their own walls.  And wondering why there's such a, what I would say, terrible absence of art that really relates to the concerns of the people you see in the photographs that we have on the walls at Photocentral [and the Asian Resource Gallery]."

- David Bacon, from the interview

Photographs of Farm and Recycling Workers by David Bacon
Photographs of Longshoremen by Frank Silva

Photocentral Gallery
1099 E St.
Hayward, CA
6/4 to 8/6/16
Hours:  Mon 5-10pm, Tu & Th 10am - 1pm, Sat 12-3pm

Homelessness and the struggle for housing in urban and rural California
Photographs by David Bacon

Asian Resource Gallery
317 Ninth St at Harrison
Oakland, CA
May - June, 2016

THE REALITY CHECK - David Bacon blog

EN LOS CAMPOS DEL NORTE:  Farm worker photographs on the U.S./Mexico border wall
Youtube interview about the show with Alfonso Caraveo (Spanish)

David Bacon radio review of the movie, Cesar Chavez

Interviews with David Bacon about his book, The Right to Stay Home:

Book TV: A presentation of the ideas in The Right to Stay Home at the CUNY Graduate Center


KPFK - Uprisings with Sonali Kohatkar

KPFA - Upfront with Brian Edwards Tiekert

Books by David Bacon

The Right to Stay Home:  How US Policy Drives Mexican Migration  (Beacon Press, 2013)


Illegal People -- How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants  (Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008


Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)

The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the U.S./Mexico Border (University of California, 2004)

En EspaƱol:

EL DERECHO A QUEDARSE EN CASA  (Critica - Planeta de Libros)


For more articles and images, see  http://dbacon.igc.org