Sunday, December 27, 2015

2015 Media Whore of the Year

As we noted in 2013, Amy Goodman once only had to worry about criticism from The 9/11 Truth Movement.

And while they did pioneering work, many other voices have joined the chorus.

Her use of CIA contract labor Juan Cole as a respected guest, her promotion of the war on Libya, her one-sided 'reporting' on Syria (pro-war propaganda) and her never ending slavish devotion to corporatist Barack Obama go a long, long way towards explaining how the one-time Queen of 'Independent' Media has become the Whore of Babel and Gas Baggery.

As she continues to fleece the Pacifica Radio Foundation out of millions, this 1% is seen as a whore no different than your basic corporate media whore -- and that's because there is no difference.

With a Democrat in the White House, Amy Goodman's entire purpose became serving the government.

Michael Ratner was a close runner-up for the title.

But the leader of the Center for Constitutional Rights momentarily breaks his senility on LAW AND DISORDER RADIO to (briefly) rail against Barack Obama for The Drone War, the war on whistle-blowers and assorted other crimes.

He quickly forgets these problems and rushes back to cheer Barack on, but those moments of rational and ethical thought are far more than anything Goody Whore ever offers.

The year wound down with her hypocritically whining that the corporate media was unfair and favoring Hillary Clinton with coverage while ignoring Bernie Sanders -- an argument that might have carried some weight were it not for her ignoring Martin O'Malley to devote one segment after another to Bernie Sanders.

Fan clubbing, it's all the Goody Whore can offer these days.