Monday, September 28, 2015

Rand Paul Stands Up to the Status Quo

Reader Leonard insists "Rand Paul is the only chance at real change."  That's why Leonard's supporting Senator Rand Paul for the GOP presidential nomination.  He notes the following.


Rand Paul Stands Up to the Status Quo

WASHINGTON, D.C.-  Sen. Rand Paul today proved that he is the only candidate willing to stand up to the Washington Machine and put an end to its out-of-control spending. A vote for the FY 2016 Short-Term Continuing Resolution is a vote to continue on with status quo spending levels and place more debt on our children and grandchildren. 
Sen. Paul has led the charge against Planned Parenthood and introduced legislation to defund it. This Short-Term Continuing Resolution, however, does everything except resolve the problem-- it is a canard. This 'resolution' will add $400 billion in new debt over the full year and a $10 billion increase over the budget caps.
Sen. Paul has never voted for a continuing resolution or omnibus spending bill. Since taking office in 2010, he has vowed to vote against more government spending. He will vote no and will do so every time the Washington Machine tries to implement a big-spending Continuing Resolution with zero scrutiny, zero cuts, zero accountability and more debt. 
He is not afraid to stand alone in Washington as one of the only senators willing to fix our debt and end big government spending. Today, Sen. Paul will stand up to the status quo by opposing the Short-Term Continuing Resolution.