Sunday, June 21, 2015

We Declare The US Government Illegitimate, Agenda For Peaceful Transition (David DeGraw)

David DeGraw notes:

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Online version #ExitMedia

Here's 2 major announcements!!

1) This is the most important piece that I have ever taken part in writing. Much gratitude to all who participated in the process. You can add your thoughts before the voting period begins in September. Here is the "Agenda For Peaceful Transition."

We Declare The US Government Illegitimate, Agenda For Peaceful Transition

We are announcing this preliminary draft of an agenda to restore accountability and set the conditions for a peaceful transition to a legitimate political process that represents the interests of the people. +Read More

2) The website that this agenda is published on may very well be the most revolutionary act I've ever made. You can be one of the first to sign up and give it a test drive!!
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there!
Enjoy your weekend.
The rEvolution begins!!!!!!!