Sunday, January 26, 2014

He Can't Stop The Protests


Since December 21, 2012, protests have been ongoing throughout Iraq over Nouri's corruption and criminality.  He's now assaulting Anbar Province.  But guess what?

He can't stop the protests.

 Iraqi Spring MC noted Friday that protests continued in Anbar, Samarra, Rawa, Jalawla and Tikrit (pictured below) and also protests continued in Falluja, Baiji, and Baquba.

  1. الجمعة الموحدة في قضاء عنه بمحافظة الانبار: .
  2. الجمعة الموحدة في مدينة سامراء بمحافظة صلاح الدين: .
  3. الجمعة الموحدة في مدينة تكريت بمحافظة صلاح الدين: .

Though Nouri has repeatedly attempted to end the protests, they continue.

Thug Nouri has threatened the protesters, he's labeled them terrorists, his forces have attacked them, have followed them from the protests to their homes, his forces have killed them, and so much more.  But of a year and a month, they're still protesting.