Sunday, October 06, 2013


 This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ, Stan of Oh Boy It Never Ends, Ann of Ann's Mega Dub, Isaiah of The World Today Just Nuts and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.
"Mia and the meanings for America"  -- by a huge margin, this was the choice of highlight of the week by readers of this site as tabulated by Ty.  This piece highlighting Mia Farrow, press stupidity and more a was also very popular with us.  Ann wanted this to be a Truest " Mia has always represented a trash culture aspect of America.  That remains true today as the message appears to be:  When Bravo won't send cameras, you create your own tacky TV reality show."  And we also thought this qualified, "Democrats need to grow up.  The first step is stop gobbling the comfort food.  You're not being challenged, your brain is atrophying and your spirit is in decay." 

"Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Destroying The Privacy Wall" -- an unmade Feinstein is far worse to see than an unmade bed.
"Kat's Korner: Jack Johnson learns what really make..." -- Kat reviews the latest from Jack Johnson.  Please note, she's already exceeded her agreed to yearly number of reviews.  So no more until her year-end piece?  No, she plans at least one more, possibly two.

"Iraq snapshot" -- C.I. reports on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing.

"Nachos in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers a nacho lover's recipe.
"Popcorn," "Marshmallows," "Junior Mints and nachos," "pudding," "Graham crackers," "Fudge," "Cracker Jacks," "Pickles." "Heck Of A Job (Snow Cones)," "Sea Salt and Vinegar," and "Cold pizza" -- Thursday was theme post night.  Julia e-mailed Stan with a question the week prior and we were looking for a topic for a theme post.  Her question was favorite snack?  You'll note that Isaiah dipped into the archives and also took part in the snack issue.  You'll also note that Elaine participated even though she usually takes Thursdays off (she's doing her new veterans group session in Hawaii).  A lot of great choices.

"scandal's so-so opening," "Revolution: Charlie the 'action' damsel in distress," "The Mindy Project meets Happy Endings," "revenge", "revenge (the good parts)," "The Simpsons,""Revolution: It's all White, er, right,"   "Antiwoman NBC," "Tina Fey owes gays and lesbians an apology," "The Good Wife" and "NBC hates women" --  Rebecca, Marcia, Ann, Kat, Stan and Elaine cover TV.

"Iraq snapshot" and "The Cowardly Ryan is also a liar" -- C.I. and Ruth call out Tim Ryan's Congressional floor nonsense.

"Why is Target screwing over Cher?" -- Kat reports.

"Gravity," "A trashy writer learns that her career is ending" and "Emilio Estevez" -- Stan and Elaine go to the movies.

"Idiot of the week" -- Mike picks the Idiot of the Week though he probably could have also gone with
"That idiot Joel Wing."

"Maybe people don't know what they're doing?" -- Betty raises a basic point about websites.  Confession, we didn't.  There's an edition this summer where, if you click on it, all these videos start streaming.  We didn't intend that.  The next week, when doing videos, Ty raised the complaints that had come in on that edition and C.I. said, "It's the programming code.  Someone must have embedded the wrong code.  I'll put the videos in and we'll do a tutorial while I do."  Which is why we not longer have that problem.

"Tom Clancy" -- Ruth notes a passing.

"On ObamaCare and the shut down," "The shutdown," "What shutdown?," "Thoughts on shutdown,"
"Barry O loses snow day" and "THIS JUST IN! WHAT WILL HE SAY? WILL HIS ASS ALSO SPEAK?,"  "A girl loves to dance" and "THIS JUST IN! BARRY, BARRY, BARRY'S OUT OF TIME?,"  "Jesse Jackson, shut up" and "Where is the leadership?" and "THIS JUST IN! STILL DOES NOT PLAY WELL WITH OTHERS!" -- shutdown coverage from Trina, Ruth, Cedric, Wally and Betty.