Sunday, June 09, 2013

Don't miss radio

This week, the must hear comes from Canada.  Legendary artist Joni Mitchell will be the guest on the CBC radio program Q with Jian Ghomeshi:

Next week on Q, we present a feature interview with Canadian folk icon Joni Mitchell. Jian travelled to Los Angeles to interview her at her home. It was a wide-ranging conversation and we'll be devoting a full hour of Q to it on Tuesday, June 11. Joni Mitchell be honoured by the Luminato Festival with a tribute show in Toronto on June 18 and 19. But for now, click through for a photogallery of her remarkable career. 

joni mitchell

A Joni Mitchell interview is a rare thing.  You won't want to miss this -- over the airwaves or streaming.

Before that Tuesday broadcast, you might also want to check out The Diane Rehm Show's second hour on NPR Monday:

What's private in the modern age: government collection of personal data, cyber theft and the balance between privacy and security.


Stewart Baker
attorney at Steptoe and Johnson, former general counsel at National Security Agency and former assistant secretary of policy at Department of Homeland Security.
Marc Rotenberg
executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center and teaches Information Privacy Law at Georgetown University Law Center.
Siobhan Gorman
Intelligence and Homeland Security correspondent at The Wall Street Journal.