Sunday, January 06, 2013

World's largest polluter to be run by who?

In a 2010 piece entitled "U.S. Military -- The World's Largest Polluter," Political Affairs observed, "As the world's largest polluter, the U.S. military has its work cut out for it when it comes to greening its operations.  According to the nonprofit watchdog group, Project Censored, American forces generate some 750,000 tons of toxic waste annually -- more than the five largest U.S. chemical companies combined."


Good thing there's a Democrat in the White House, right?  Surely, Barack Obama will make sure that any nominee for Secretary of Defense would be environmentally-friendly if not an actual environmentalist, right?

Wrong.  If you're new to the Kyoto Protocol, Greenpeace explains it here.

And you may be new to Chuck Hagel's environmental positions as well.  Here he is speaking about the Kyoto Protocol July 24, 202:

Tomorrow will mark the five-year point since the Senate voted unanimously to provide President Clinton and Vice President Gore with clear advice regarding the Kyoto Protocol. It is unfortunate that the Clinton Administration ignored the Senate's 95-0 vote on S.Res. 98, or the Byrd-Hagel Resolution, but the conditions outlined in that resolution remain the guideposts for U.S. international climate change policy. I would also remind my colleagues, and this frequently gets forgotten in the discussion, perhaps even more significant than the 95-0 vote was that the Byrd-Hagel Resolution had 65 bipartisan cosponsors. As we know, the Byrd-Hagel Resolution was very clear. It called on the President not to sign the Kyoto Protocol, or any other international climate change agreement, unless two minimum conditions were met. First, S.Res.98 directed the President not to sign any treaty "...unless the protocol or agreement also mandates new specific scheduled commitments to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions for Developing Country Parties within the same compliance period." The message was simple. Yet as we know, the Kyoto Protocol does not include a single developing nation. These are the very nations, such and China and India, that will soon lead the world in manmade greenhouse emissions. Any treaty that exempts them from participation is folly. Second, the Resolution stated the President should not sign any treaty that "...would result in serious harm to the economy of the United States." The Kyoto Protocol would have legally bound the United States to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to seven percent below 1990 levels by the years 2008 to 2012. As President Bush stated in February, this would have cost the U.S. economy $400 billion and resulted in the loss of 4.9 million jobs. The Clinton Administration never submitted it to the Senate for debate and consideration. I suspect it is because they knew what is still true today - if put to a vote in the Senate, the Kyoto Protocol would face resounding defeat. Other nations are also reconsidering their early ardent advocacy for the Kyoto Protocol. Japan has ratified the treaty, but has no enforceable plan to meet its obligations. The same is true for the European Union. Australia has joined the United States in saying it will not ratify the protocol. Canada and Russia have not made final commitments to ratification.

Hagel's not fit for the post of Secretary of Defense, not in the 21st century.