Sunday, October 14, 2012

White House loses $5.2 billion deal

If you missed it, Americans need jobs.  If you weren't aware, the Great Recession's alleged recovery has not seen a boom in employment.

So surely the White House is busying knocking themselves out to find deals that can bring money onto US shores, right?

Last week, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki traveled to Moscow where he signed a contract with Russia for weapons.  Iraq will fork over an estimated $4.2 billion to Russia for this deal alone.  Nouri then flew to Prague to finalize a weapons deal with the Czech Republic.  This deal's estimate value?
$1 billion.

So Iraq made weapons deals this week and took their monies to Russia and the Czech Republic.

That $5.2 billion won't be coming to the US.  How many jobs would those deals have created?

Exactly how does that happen?

As the US continues to pour billions into Iraq via the State Dept., how does it happen that they can't even nail down these deals?

In fact, what was Barack doing last week?

 smack talking wuss

Oh, that's right. He was doing stand up.

We didn't but maybe somebody found those bitchy one liners worth $5.2 billion.


Illustration is Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Smack Talking Wuss."