Sunday, October 14, 2012

Editorial: You can't trust the untrustable

Supposedly Iraqi President Jalal Talabani is trying to fix the political crisis in Iraq.  That he thinks he can do that by talking to people to figure out what they want indicates Jalal's not serious.

What do they want?

What do the political blocs in Iraq want?

If you've forgotten, that question was asked by the administration, by the White House, when Iraq was at a political standstill in 2010.

From the wants and desires, the Erbil Agreement was drawn up.

This contract gave Nouri a second term as prime minister (something the voters didn't give him) in exchange for various concessions on Nouri's part.  Nouri signed off on the contract, grabbed a second term and then trashed the contract.

You can't be serious about ending the crisis if you're pretending to not grasp what the cause of it was.

And you're crazy if you think most people are going to trust someone who broke the last contract.

Since 2011, Iraqiya, Moqtada al-Sadr and the Kurds have been calling for a return to the Erbil Agreement.

Not Quite There

Nouri has not 'birthed democracy in Iraq.  He's only created more problems.


Illustration is Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Not Quite There Yet."