Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hulu's got a new look

Sometimes you hate change just because it's change.  Sometimes you hate it because what was the point?

hulu new look

Hulu's changed their layout and wants to pretend it's crisper and cleaner.  It's not.  Take the main page.  Information you used to be able to gather quickly in one window now requires you to scroll down and scroll down.

It really looks like Hulu's trying to copy Netflix with their new design.  But the difference is that it actually is easier to use Netflix now.  You can easily click -- at the top -- to whatever you'd like to go to and it's not just easy to navigate, Netflix has organized the content better than they had in the past and better than Hulu has at present.

Some of us have infants and small children.  Doesn't leave a lot of time for TV watching or TV planning.  Jim, "In the past, this wasn't a problem.  I'd just log on to Hulu, click TV and then go to recent episodes.  I'd be able to see, by air date, what had aired the day or day before.  That feature doesn't exist anymore.  It's going to be hell navigating that."

And indeed it is.

Hulu appears to be going for the Mosaic template that was all the rage in Blogger/Blogspot . . . four months ago.  All they've done is make it more difficult to see featured content and more difficult to locate content.