Sunday, August 19, 2012

Anyone can become a Bully Boy Bush?

"We just got attacked by Obama . . ." campaign staff an Iraq War veteran says in disbelief.


It was Thursday of last week, in Oakland, at Barack Obama campaign headquarters where anyone on the staff, such as the woman above apparently, could become a Bully Boy Bush.

Iraq Veterans Against the War and CODEPINK and other activists had a petition calling on Barack Obama, in his capacity as president of the United States, to issue a pardon for alleged whistle blower Bradley Manning (who has been held for over 800 days now without a trial).  Along with sixty or so who took part in the action outside, a small number (7) entered campaign headquarters to deliver the petition and to stage a sit-in.

Inside,  IVAW's Joshua Shepherd was giving an interview over his phone.

Joshua Shepherd: We're calling for a full pardon of Bradley Manning as well as an apology for Obama's statement that declared Bradley Manning was guilty before he faced any judicial proceedings.  You know the military judicial system is not quite as fair as the civilian but it is, you know there are certain measures and a minimum level of justice and due process that is required.  And the Obama administration has presided over this obliteration of that system and much to Bradley's detriment.

And then, as the video demonstrates, the protesters were attacked.

There's no excuse for that.

Clearly the staff felt threatened and so responded in hate.  But the activists weren't doing anything threatening . . . unless you consider telling the truth to be a threat.

Clearly much of the Oakland staff considers the truth to be a liability for Barack Obama's re-election campaign.

No wonder.  As noted in Monday's "Iraq snapshot:"

Bradley can't be blamed on Bush.  The leak takes place when Barack's in the White House.  The arrest takes place when Barack's in the White House.  The imprisonment takes place when Barack's in the White House.  The person prosecuting Bradley -- hell, he's already pronounced Brad guilty -- is Barack Obama. 
You can be as stupid and ridiculous as Chase Madar.  You can sound as stupid as he does -- and he does sound stupid since his speaking voice sounds like that of the late Phil Hartman voicing Troy McClure (The Simpsons).  But unless you want to bed down and wallow in stupidity, lose the red herrings.  It's got nothing to do with the draft.  It has to do with people like Chase Madar who can't call out Barack.  Grown adults who are too willing to lie to themselves.  If it weren't for Barack, Brad would be free right now.  Barack has that power.  He won't use it.
There's one reason and only one reason that Bradley's behind bars right now: Barack Obama.

Shame on the campaign staff.  And shame on the whores who didn't report on it.

"Get out of our space! Get out of here!" screams a female campaign staffer at the veterans.

That doesn't sound like any remarks we've heard publicly from Barack.

"For their service and sacrifice, warm words of thanks from a grateful nation are more than warranted, but they aren't nearly enough. We also owe our veterans the care they were promised and the benefits that they have earned. We have a sacred trust with those who wear the uniform of the United States of America. It's a commitment that begins at enlistment, and it must never end. But we know that for too long, we've fallen short of meeting that commitment. Too many wounded warriors go without the care that they need. Too many veterans don't receive the support that they've earned. Too many who once wore our nation's uniform now sleep in our nation's streets."

That's Barack Obama, click here for video.  So shame on Barack too for failing to call out the attack on veterans who visited his campaign office.