Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jill Stein & federal matching funds

Jill Stein is the presumed Green Party presidential candidate.  Her campaign notes:

Change the world in 8 days

8-days-jill-stein.pngTexas has qualified. New Mexico is 3/4 of the way. Oregon is close behind, along with Arizona, D.C., Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and then also Indiana, Missouri, Maine, South Carolina and Tennessee! The ice is breaking in our Double Your Green campaign to win federal matching funds, we are really moving, and a good thing too, because . . .
We have 8 days, until June 30th, in which to succeed.
With just days left, we need you to take 3 steps right now:
1. See a fundraising letter from Jill Stein. She needs you to forward that letter to at least 10 people you know -- 100 or 1000 is even better -- letting them in on the urgency of this moment.
2. Make a donation so that when you send that letter out, your message arrives with conviction. You did your part; so can they.
3. Contact us if you have lists of people you think would want to know about the campaign.
We've posted the latest progress reports on our matching funds campaign here. Please click here or read on for the letter from Dr. Stein, and please copy and forward that letter to everyone you know . . .

URGENT: Eight days to ensure that your voice is heard in 2012!

Jill_Stein_head_shot.pngDear Friends,

What you do with this letter in the next few hours could change the direction of the 2012 presidential campaign.

The big money forces think that they've bought this election and that they can frighten people into meekly endorsing one of the two establishment candidates. But thanks to a breathtaking outpouring of support from across the nation, our campaign is poised to shake up the political establishment and answer this politics of fear with the politics of courage.

My campaign for president is within striking distance of qualifying for federal matching funds that will allow us to launch a people's campaign for economic justice, peace, and an end to Wall Street rule in Washington.  We need to raise only about $24,000 more by June 30th to apply for FEC matching funds that will DOUBLE  the value of contributions received so far. Please donate here. This will not only give our campaign the enhanced credibility that comes with qualifying for public funding, it would mean that we can finish our ballot access drives and burst onto the national scene with an adequately funded campaign.

Last fall, the Occupy movement took to the streets and changed the national political dialogue. This fall, our campaign -- based on Madison, Wisconsin’s Capitol Square -- is poised to show that millions of Americans will vote for real change instead of more of the same.

You know that neither of the establishment candidates will speak for you in this election. They will continue to promote their failing strategies for propping up Wall Street and the status quo, while our society and the planet move ever closer to disintegration. I am prepared to provide a clear voice for justice, civil liberties, environmental rescue, and an economy that works for everyone.  But I need your help.

Victory is in sight!  Please pitch in NOW by donating on our web page -  Then forward this note to 10 friends who might be willing to join you in contributing.  We will file for matching funds on July 1, so quick action is essential.  Help push us over the top!

   Dr. Jill Stein

P.S. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar (up to donations as big as $250) by federal funds once we qualify.

P.P.S.  While all donations are valuable, we especially need donations from the following key states to help us reach the required $5000 per state threshold.  If you know anyone in these states, please ask them to make a donation of up to $250:   AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, ME, MI, MO, NC, NM, OH, OR, SC, TN and VA -- read all the nitty gritty details and updates here: