Sunday, March 18, 2012

From the TESR Test Kitchen

Drinking can be fun. Making drinks? Not always. After the initial look-at-me-bartend moment wears off, the idea of a blender and ice cubes doesn't always seem bearable, let alone exciting. So it was with great interest that we tried Daily's Ready To Drink Frozen Magarita.


"ALCOHOL IS IN IT!" boasts the package. Indeed, 5% alcohol. Granted, that's not a great deal, but it kept you off blender duty, right?

First off, though it claims to be 10 ounces, consider it more like six. We're not even referring to the alcohol content, we're just noting that all 12 packages we poured made for a six ounce drink.

Second, do you like your margarita frozen or on the rocks?

Most of us prefer frozen. Two of us (Ava and C.I.) prefer on the rocks.

You do not get a frozen margarita from this package.

You're told to freeze "for about" 8 hours. We even tried freezing for 24. This was never a frozen margarita.

What about the taste itself?

Let's just review before we get to that. The "frozen margarita" never actually resembles a frozen one (or a "slushie" as Ava and C.I. sneer when we order frozen margaritas) and it's actually six ounces (we'll assume four are lost in freezing).

Now for the taste.

Do you like wine coolers?

That's what this actually tastes like (and smells like). Not surprising when you notice there's no tequila listed in the ingredients, just wine. It's a lime flavored wine cooler.

Our recommendation? Skip these quick fixes and prepare to operate the blender.