Sunday, February 05, 2012

Truest statement of the week II

But I won't vote for Barack or be scared into voting for him. I'm sorry, I was raised to respect the Constitution. His drone wars, his illegal war on Libya (violation of the War Powers Act), his decision that he can assassinate any American, etc.
All of this is more than a "policy disagreement." We disagree on ObamaCare. He loves it and I see it as a give-away of the American people to the corporations. (I favor single-payer, universal health care. What Barack's done is take national what Mitt did in my state. It does not work. I know that first hand.) But that's a policy disagreement.

My issues with Barack go to the Constitution, the rule of law, the right to a jury of your peers, war and much more. I will not reward his illegal conduct by voting for him.
It goes against everything I believe in.

-- Trina, "Employment and Voting," (Trina's Kitchen).