Sunday, February 26, 2012

Editorial: When the left had ethics

With a War Hawk in the White House from the Democratic Party, a number of apologists insist that it's just not possible for the left to stand up for what's right. What a load of crap.


When LBJ, a Democrat, was in the White House, the left didn't fall silent as he fluttered his War Hawk wings. Mobe (National Mobilization Committee to End The War) called for action and protestered poured into DC on the weekend of October 21, 1967. Among those arrested were Norman Mailer and David Dellinger.

Feminist Jo Freeman shares her memories of that action here and notes:

While a few dozen chanted, a few thousand marchers bypassed the parking lot for the Pentagon entrance. They were met by 2,500 federal troops and 200 U.S. marshals. The troops formed a human barricade protecting the Pentagon steps. Ropes also demarcated how close the demonstrators could get. U.S. Marshals arrested anyone who got past the lines of troops, or stepped over the ropes.
Those who wanted to commit civil disobedience repeatedly challenged the line. At one point a couple hundred young demonstrators charged up a vehicle ramp. They were surrounded and eventually removed. A few found an unguarded entrance used by the press and tried to invade the Pentagon. They were physically thrown out, leaving some bruised and bloody. As they bounced down the steps many more rushed up. They too were repulsed, with the help of rifle butts and a little teargas. The crowd around them sang "America the Beautiful."

So the next time someone tells you it's just not possible to protest, remember it is. And it was. The only thing different today is that a lot of 'peace' and 'anti-war' types are nothing but whores for the Democratic Party and have placed a person over the people of the world.

The Cult of St. Barack have, with their silence, become minions for the Empire, workers on the Death Star.