Sunday, November 06, 2011

Solyndra explained in less than sixty words

"Solyndra was the solar company that epitomized the idea of government sponsored green investments when the politically connected got hooked up as the tax payers saw a half-billion dollar investment go belly up. Oh, and of course the campaign contributions from the beneficiaries kept coming."

adam vs the man unplugged

That's Adam Kokesh from his Adam vs. the Man unplugged (November 11th episode). Adam vs. the Man was a strong radio program which moved over to RT (Russian Television) until the program and Adam proved 'too hot to handle.'

You can now find his reports on his YouTube channel.

The Iraq War veteran doesn't dance like a monkey for anyone. Would that others could make the same claim. There may be times when you disagree with his take, there may be times when you're surprised by how strongly you agree with his take, but he's got a standard he works by and he applies it to all equally. That's needed in the best of times but in this age of the Cult of St. Barack, it's needed now more than ever.