Sunday, October 16, 2011

Truest statment of the week III

So like every other Western reporter, Anjal Kamat never saw any “mercenaries,” just their oversized bullets. She never saw any mass graves of the hundreds or thousands allegedly killed by Khadaffi's “heavy machine gun fire” either, or that would be on Democracy Now too. It's not. Nobody's located the thousands of wounded survivors either, that must have been the result of shooting into crowds killing hundreds of people, and none of this has stopped Democracy Now from carrying the story just like Fox News or CNN or MSNBC.Something is really wrong with this picture. We have to wonder whether, at least as far as the war in Libya goes, whether Democracy Now is simply feeding us the line of corporate media, the Pentagon and the State Department's rather than fulfilling the role of unembedded, independent journalists.

-- Bruce A. Dixon, "Are Democracy Now!'s Libyan Correspondents Feeding Us the State Department and Pentagon Line on Libya?" (Black Agenda Report).