Sunday, August 07, 2011

The Cry Baby Contender?

Supposedly Texas Governor Rick Perry is close to throwing his hat in the ring and running for the GOP presidential nomination. We can't imagine why?

For example, in 2008, Hillary Clinton was savaged for her eyes welling up. She didn't cry in New Hampshire. She was speaking about issues and how important they were and her eyes welled up. Didn't spill over, no tear ran down her face.

But she was mocked and trashed by Bill Moyers, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Jesse Jackson Jr., Chris Matthews and so, so many more.

And Governor Perry thinks he can run for the GOP nomination in 2012?


Though many are unaware, back when Bully Boy Bush occupied the White House, Perry called a press conference in Austin. The networks and major dailies sent people in for this conference. The belief was that Rick Perry was going to address the rumors swirling around that he was gay. Texas media carried the press conference live. There are hundreds and hundreds of copies of it.

Perry didn't declare himself gay (and may not be) but he visibly weeped while he repeatedly spoke about "the rumors" without ever explaining what the rumors said. He visibly weeped as he insisted that "the rumors" needed to stop and that they were hurting his family.

Does he really think that footage isn't about to come out the second he declares?

Regardless of anything else, the footage proves that he's a big cry baby. He really thinks that won't bite him in the ass?