Sunday, June 19, 2011

Truest statement of the week

We don't call them the "Nutroots" for nothing. Their annual asylum reunion used to be called "Yearly Kos." Then their fragile minds completely unhinged, they went all out for their golden calf, trashed the Democratic Party of FDR with their idolatry, and proved themselves to be "Yearly Kooks." Now they call themselves "Netroot Nation." Those of us who are reality based recognize them as Nuts. They are not very bright either. Consider what has thus far transpired at the Kook Klown Konvention. These racists (by their own definition they are racists because anyone who opposes Barack Obama is a racist) are attacking Barack Obama. Not only is this KKK event trashing Obama, they somehow have come to realize they are fools fooled by a fool. But, and this is a big but which proves how kooky the Kook Klown Konvention is, as much as they know they have been fooled by treacherous Obama they still intend to vote for him!

-- Hillary Is 44, "Minny Ninny: The Nutroots Kook Klown Konvention."