Sunday, May 08, 2011

Dear House Foreign Affairs Middle East Subcommitee

We get it. You've all sworn allegiance to Israel. Even ahead of the United States.

We'll let others tackle that (and we're sure they will and think they should) and instead just make a request. In the future, could you please note that your hearings are on Israel and Israel only?

It would be a great help.

When you, for example, title a hearing"Shifting Sands: Political Transitions in the Middle East, Part 2," you suggest that something other than 'poor Israel' will be discussed.

Iraq, for instance, is in the MidEast and the US has at least 47,000 troops on the ground there. So those of us (Wally, Kat, Ava and C.I.) who attended your Thursday hearing expecting that Iraq might even garner five minutes of attention were sadly to learn that it's all about what the US can do for Israel.

Steve Chabot

We were also surprised because Subcommittee Chair Steve Chabot once couldn't stop yacking about Iraq. Even among War Hawks, Chabot's pro-illegal war voting record stands out. But apparently these days he's more committed to serving Israel than serving the Iraq War he helped bring about.

Peace and Out of Iraq,

The Third Estate Sunday Review