Sunday, May 08, 2011

Ass of the Week

We love Drews. We love Nancy Drew and we love Drew Barrymore and the list is endless. But there's one Drew we're not too fond of and that would be the notorious sexist "Dr. Drew." Drew's not really a qualified doctor but, as the saying goes, he fondles one on television.

What he's qualified to do, perhaps, is to assist you with 'hard gas' and IBS. You could say he's really only qualified to discuss anything that flies out your ass.

That pretty much sums up Pig Boy Pinsky.

Last week, he had Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan on one of his shows. In his intro, he declared, "The Iraq War is winding down."

Tiny prick says what?

The Iraq War is not winding down. Robert Gates, the US Secretary of Defense, was in Iraq weeks ago explaining why the administration thinks US troops need to remain in Iraq beyond 2011. Maybe cable and internet don't reach up Drew's own ass -- the ass he loves to crawl up in?

tiny prick pinsky

In his most condescending tone, he declares, "'Cindy seems to have turned her grief into an antiwar crusade." As though that would be a bad thing? A crusade against war would be bad?

Drew then went on to 'quote' what Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan wrote on FaceBook. But -- and maybe they don't teach this in those weekly courses that allow you to be a 'licensed' drug 'counselor' -- if you're quoting someone, you're quoting them. You can't put your own words in or alter their words and say you're quoting them. A quote, Pinsky, is word for word or it's not a quote. It can be a "paraphrase," but it's not a "quote."

Pinsky obviously rode the short bus to med school.

And apparently manners were never taught there either as he cut off Cindy with, "Please, Cindy, please, I'm asking you --"

How about shutting up and letting a guest speak?

Or does no one know how to do their job anymore?

Clearly "Dr" Pinsky doesn't know his job as he attempted to explore "depression" -- a subject he is not licensed in and one he knows nothing about. (Although, we wouldn't be surprised to find out his wife is an expert in the subject -- for obvious reasons.)

He brought up "depression" to attempt to suggest that Cindy Sheehan was unstable and someone who needed help and should not be listened to.

When she refused to take his bait, he cut her off with "let's take it back to your personal story." Because limp dicks can't handle talk of war -- which Cindy was providing -- talk of death or anything else. Limp dicks can only (see Seth Meyers) turn into a minor semi when in service of the Cult of St. Barack.

And then to demonstrate just what a sexist pig he is, he then attempted to suggest her "cause" was disruptive to her children, that her actions -- and this was a so-called Mother's Day segment according to Pinsky -- were harming her children that she should be home with.

Cindy Sheehan's two daughters and one remaining son (son Casey, of course, died serving in Iraq) are all adults, have been for some time, in fact, have been since well before Barack Obama was sworn in as president.

By contrast, let's point out, Pinsky, who is only one year younger than Sheehan, is the father of three children who only turned 18 last year. Maybe instead of inflicting the country with his awful Lovelines (radio) and Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew and Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew and Strictly Dickly with Dr. Drew -- oops, Strictly Sex with Dr. Drew -- and the rest of his bad programs, the egomaniac should have been spending time with his three kids?

Time and again ("do they [her children] feel that your cause pulls you away from them?"), Pinsky attempted to shame her, attempted to portray her as 'damaged.'

Cindy Sheehan is not damaged, She is a woman who lost her son to a war of choice that never should have happened. Her reactions are and have been "normal" and "expected." There is nothing strange or bizarre about her and how very sad that someone with no training at all in grief or real counseling thought he could shame her.

Pinsky's the embarrassment. Not only is he not qualified to dispense advice, he's also not qualified to speak in front of a microphone since he can't even master the language he's using. When you show an excerpt from an interview, don't say that it aired on 60 Minutes if it hasn't. He showed a clip of Barack Obama from tonight's 60 Minutes. "Let's hear what President Obama told Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes last night about Osama bin Laden's death," declared Pinsky. No. You can say it's what he told Kroft "for 60 Minutes." But until 60 Minutes airs the interview (that'll be tonight), you can't say it's what Barack "told Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes last night."