Sunday, March 20, 2011

Quick note.

C.I. said, "Let's not be a Nouri al-Maliki." Meaning, if we don't have everything ready now but have a bit of it ready, let's at least post highlights and the roundtable.

So we will. We're typing up other features now. Ava and C.I. have written one media feature and may do a second. We've got two magazine survey pieces (politics and music). I (Jim) report on the Left Forum (with help from Ava and C.I. who really polished the piece for me). We've still got to write the editorial and we'd like to edit two more pieces so that they can run. Unless we fall off our caffeine high, expect everything to be up before noon EST.

After everything's up, I'll move the roundtable higher up by changing the time stamp on it, FYI.

-- Jim