Sunday, October 17, 2010

Truest statement of the week II

It's amazing, really, how much of a pass the left is giving President Obama as he sells out every single major platform plank that got them pumped up to begin with. Aside from his sellout on the domestic policy front, which I'll leave to others to cavil about, on the civil liberties and foreign policy front he's certainly taken a hard right turn. The promised reversal of Bush era civil liberties violations has itself been reversed; the pledge to get out of Iraq before 2012 turned out to be a shell game, and with the Justice Department going after antiwar activists in Minneapolis, Chicago, and North Carolina -- on charges of providing material aid to terrorists -- the sting of the administration's slap to its former supporters on the left must be smarting something fierce.

-- Justin Raimondo, "Obama vs. the Left" (