Sunday, October 03, 2010

Truest statement of the week II

I just scanned Pravda and Izvestia, and there was literally nothing I wanted to post on. The pages were too complicated, and all the stories were obviously crap anyhow. And the editorials and Op-Eds were worse. Ditto Google news, where those whizzy new Web 2.0 filters fill up the page with useless controls, and make me conscious of what could be missing, rather than what's there. (Plus Google's page-rank algorithm for news floated the "travel advisory to Europe" mid-terms gaslighting story to the top, which means that it's been totally gamed by The Powers That Be. FAIL). Yahoo News is actually better organized than Google, but it's structured by source, not topic, making its function as a mere aggregator nakedly evident.

-- Lambert, "The link round-up as a form" (Corrente). And the community bloggers who blog nightly can really identify with that paragraph.