Sunday, September 26, 2010

Editorial: It tells both ways

Last Sunday, Barack Obama, apparently intent upon becoming a one-term president, decided to let loose with some 'special love' aimed at the left. Isaiah captured it in comic form.

stand up barack

Barack had so much fun, he pulled the bitchy all over again on Monday. And it said a great deal as he insulted and ridiculed peace activists. It said a great deal about him and a great deal about the left.

For example, an allegedly anti-war group had their leader appear on Pacifica Radio last Monday and instead of holding Barack accountable, listeners were served up s**t on toast in the form of "John McCain would have been worse." Really? That's what we have to aim for? That's it, that's the be all you can be in America? Least worse.

For every Tariq Ali able to speak the truth, you have at least 100 'leaders' and 'voices' who can do little more than whore for the Democratic Party. They'll excuse it, they'll spin or they'll just ignore it. What they refuse to do is to stand up for those in need, let alone stand up for themselves.

That's pretty disgusting.

And so is Barack.

There's so much confusion about what's happened with Barack's approval. Many on the left ignore reality and run to the "It's racism!" lie to explain the huge drop in approval for Barack. The first place he lost support significantly was with men. Men were always Barack's hardest target group to win in the primaries. He managed to win over a large number of them in the 2008 election.

But, following the election, he's managed to send a large number packing.

How did he do it?

It never helped that he actually, physically puts his nose in the air. That didn't help him. It didn't help him that he gets manicures. It didn't help him that he dressed like a dandy. It didn't help him that, when irritated, it looks like he's about to exclaim, "Oh, pooh!"

The fact of the matter is that Barack Obama doesn't come off like a man. He is the ultimate metrosexual and, bad news for him, that trend peaked before he even campaigned for the White House. He's always just a little too polished, just a little too well dressed, just a little too on. You never see him as authentic because there's nothing real about him. He's a cover boy. He's the equivalent of a Playboy centerfold. And each day, he gets more distant and more detached.

George W. Bush had to wear cowboy gear to approximate manliness. But some gave him credit for trying. Bill Clinton never appeared -- certainly not in those jogging outfits -- as if he was striving to be the best dressed in the room. He came off like a man, yes, like the average man, America's stereotypical notion of what a man is.

Barack's Ron Glass in The New Odd Couple. He's Niles on Fraiser. And, no one takes that seriously.

Barack wanted to insult the left repeatedly last week. And all he did was remind America yet again just how bitchy he can be. And bitchy? Really not a quality most Americans find attractive in a man. No. Not at all.

And the thing about bitchy? It doesn't hide reality. In other words, if you're going to ridicule the left for expecting you to get results and actually accomplish something, maybe you shouldn't have given deadlines by, for example, for closing Guantanamo and failing to meet that deadline.
Isaiah's latest The World Today Just Nuts "